Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my blog for my study abroad trip to South Africa through the University of Minnesota! I just thought I'd write a little something before I leave. The picture to the left here is some of the fun people I'm going with! This Applebee's get-together is the first time most of us met! We're going to study cross cultural leadership and the AIDS pandemic in Cape Town and the townships near there. I'm pretty excited and nervous about this trip. I'm stepping way out of my comfort zone, which I think, is exactly what I need. This trip will be a life-changing experience that I will never forget, and I hope it opens up my eyes a little more to the world around me. I'm not really sure what to expect at this point, but I am willing to be open-minded. My personal goal while I am over there is to push myself. I want to be a part of as much as possible and leave without any regrets. If I can't make a difference in someone's life there, I hope to at least improve it - even if it is just for a day. I am bringing a suitcase full of donated medical supplies and clothing that I hope will positively impact those who really need it. Finally, I am looking forward to buying some things directly from the people who make them in order to support them financially, and bring home some great souvenirs! My next entry will be from South Africa instead of my living room, so I hope to keep you interested!


Christen in Cape Town said...

Nichole - you are going to have a great time!! Soak it all in. I can't wait to hear about it...thanks for sharing your blog.

Phai said...

Do not forget our model!
"I am FairView" don't leave us!
Eh, can u bring me back a
T-Shirt, I wear Medium! Something
with "Africa" on it. Something cool.

niki's mom said...

Hey Chole, Hope you are having the time of your life. Always remember to call your mom and dad. Be happy and be safe. We miss you very much and Carl misses you and would like you to bring him home a size small t-shirt. The REM concert won't be the same without you but we'll try to have a good time. We love you very much, Have fun...........